Serial Experiments Lain Token

Yasuo Iwakura

Serial Experiments Lain Token (SELT) is a unique digital asset inspired by the groundbreaking anime Serial Experiments Lain. SELT strives to reflect the anime's exploration of identity, reality, and communication in the digital age.

The token serves as the backbone of a decentralized communication platform, enabling a new era of secure and private online interactions. SELT is integral to a blockchain-based identity verification system and the creation of unique NFTs derived from the anime's rich imagery

With its innovative tokenomics, SELT balances its economy through unique inflationary and deflationary mechanisms. This token stands as a testament to the fusion of art and technology, serving as a conduit for fans and crypto enthusiasts to participate in a decentralized digital world echoing the themes of Serial Experiments Lain

Documenting the Æther

Yasuo Iwakura

The Æther, also known as Ether, the Wired, or the Zone, is a unexplained domain that millions of people have experienced at least once in their lives. It is a place where people can feel a range of emotions, including euphoria and despair, and where they can observe themselves without any control. The Æther is often misunderstood and is often thought of as fantasy or daydreaming.

The Wired is a human-made attempt to recreate the Æther, but it is a flawed and corrupt version of it. While technology can create a shared human experience, it is not capable of making people aware of the Æther. In contrast, the Æther is pure and free of earthly concerns such as greed, hate, and insecurity.

This project is intended to help me collect my thoughts about the Æther and to provide assistance to others who have experienced it. More pages will be added over time, and I encourage you to take your time to read and consider the information presented:
